We are PayPrint
A Biometric Payments Verification Service
Why choose Us?Because we are Unique.
Biometrics technology makes use of certain human physical traits to identify an individual. The process of fingerprint formation is so vast, and dependent on various external factors, that the end result is never identical.

What about Security?Security comes First.
Biometric systems offer a solution to identity theft, with an individual being verified by your unique physical attributes. Fingerprints provide flawless identity recognition, which when coupled with your unqiue PayPrint ID, provides a comprehensive security offering.
Biometric sensors prevent the use of dubious fingerprints, thereby mitigating any possible attempt at fraudulent use.
All payment transactions submitted are verified in real time thanks to our PCI-DSS (Data Security Standard) gateway.

What are the Advantages?It’s all about Convenience.
Create your PayPrint account online, verify your card details using 3-D secure technology, then capture your finger print at a recognized PayPrint kiosk to start making payments anywhere it’s accepted!
Experience total payment freedom with no need to carry cash, credit cards or mobile phone when you’re out and about, your fingerprint and PayPrint ID will be sufficient in order to make payment!
"Simple, Secure, Convenient"
Enjoy the benefitsHotels
Check-in easily without the need to present your ID and pay for all your hotel services with PayPrint
Grocery Stores
Pay faster, reduce time and accumulate loyalty points while you pay
Make use of PayPrint to power event bookings, access management and on site payment processing for registered users
Out on the town
Enjoy your night out with total convenience by paying for meals and drinks
Where did it all go?
Can’t remember how you spent it? Not to worry, we’ll give you an update via your profile detailing total spend using PayPrint